Sunday, February 25, 2007

Questions for Doug Wilson

Pastor Wilson is coming to Oak Hill in March and there's "an evening with Doug Wilson" planned.

What would you like to ask him or hear him talk about?

I'd like to know, if one basically buys his vision (and I'm not sure what to call it, Federal Vision, High Church Evangelicalism?) what difference would it make in practice and what might your practical programme be in the UK? For example, might you turn up on your first Sunday as pastor with your cassock alb, stole and incense and sit down on your throne to preach TULIPPPP?

I'd also love to know how they are doing on evangelism and reaching their city. What about church planting?

And more on their ministerial training. What does he make of apprenticeships?

What are his thoughts on the C of E?


  1. What must one do to find out details of this event when they are finally settled?

  2. Gerv,

    I believe its on Thurs 8th March, evening, 7:30pm for 7:45pm ?

    I've no idea if the idea is that its just for Oak Hill people or not.

    I think its David Field's baby so I'd email him. I can let you have his email if u cant find it.


