Sunday, February 25, 2007

2 versions of "Christianity"

Archbishop Greg Venables argued today on Radio 4's Sunday that we have two different irreconcilable versions of Christianity in the Anglican church: a Biblical Christian version and a post-modern version.

It was amazing to hear the ECUSA guy squirm: oh, we havent been asked to change - only to clarify what we did. We havent authorised any same sex blessings - we just do them without authorisation! I'm happy to go on talking [because like Republican terrorists in Ireland I've nothing to lose by it], if others wont want to talk to me and walk away, that's a matter for them.

It seems to me ECUSA has already wandered off.

Will the Bishops of the global communion actually do anything decisive or will the re-drafting, re-interpretation drift to compromise always win out?

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