Thursday, February 08, 2007

Omnipotence of God

Someone asked me in an email, "do you belive God is omnipotent?".

My answer is not original, but I think it is clear and true and contains some distinctions most Christians might not be aware of. As I typed it into hotmail anywell, I reckoned it might as well go here too:

I certainly do believe God is omnipotent (in the traditional Jewish and Christian sense). I think the Muslim doctrine of a different God with a different sort of omnipotence might be rather different). The God of the Bible, the Father of Jesus Christ is all powerful or supremely powerful. He can do whatever he wants and nothing can stop him. But he cannot lie or sin. He can do whatever is most wise and good etc. In other words, God is not pure brute power (cf. voluntism / despotism), his power is governed by his will and wisdom (cf. intellectualism / monarchy). Also, he cannot do things that involve logical contradictions, such as make a stone so heavy he couldn’t lift it or things that are just matters of verbal contradiction (contradictions in terms) eg make a square circle.

Hope that helps.

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