Thursday, February 08, 2007

New Principal of Oak Hill College

Revd Dr Michael J Ovey MA(Oxon), BCL, ThM, PhD.

All praise and thanks to God for this great good news.

The Collect for the week (Sunday just gone) seemed appropraiate at the time.


  1. Anonymous12:02 pm

    And the Moore College connection is continued.
    Stock up on coffee!

  2. Rejoicing in the States!

  3. I imagine we may not be mentioning the Moore College connection?

    I guess we could have angered MinDiv more by getting someone new over from there! Maybe an Archbishop would have been good?!

    I believe James Oakleys website suggests good sources of coffee. I dont know if Ovey has tried any?

  4. Interesting piece of news : a Principal at an Anglican theological college who holds membership at a Free Church. I suppose stranger anomalies have been seen in the C of E.

    BTW i dropped by to thank you for your comment on my blog. It is always much appreciated. I wanted to make a special point of saying that.

    Had you noticed the spam comment ahead of your own when you posted ? Well, i thought i could excise it while keeping yours. Apparently this is not possible now that i have upgraded my Blog.

    So i had to repost which means your comment is now gone. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. Please do feel free to comment again, or not, as you wish.

    See you around.

  5. It seems I may have erred in giving Dr Ovey's qualifications?

    If he did tripos in tabland, is he not also MA(Cantab)?

    Maybe this should be checked in Crockfords.
