Monday, February 05, 2007

The Muslims are at it (kindda)

The revd Douglas Wilson rightly points out on his blog that its worth knowing that:

At least 40 millions Muslim youth in the Muslim world’s religious schools, called madrasas, are avidly memorizing the entire Koran plus a generally extremist body of related traditions—the hadiths" (Don Richardson, Secrets of the Koran, p. 69).

So, we need a startergy for the take-over of the world by the Lord Jesus through the gospel in the power of the Spirit by the Word.

How many Muslim and Christian "youth" are there? What are the birth rates?

I wonder how many children are getting a thoroughly Christian education either at home or in Christian schools?

How many children have a knowledge of the Bible (including the meaning of the words) to rival the Muslim memorization of the dead and death-giving words of the Koran?

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