Monday, February 05, 2007

Horray for Mrs Lloyd

There has been some dancing in the Lloyd flat-ette this morning as we just discovered (as I always expected) that my brainy and brilliantly tallented wife got firsts for both her modules from last semester (performance / piano recital etc. and 19th C music).

Bottles of champagne and flowers (bunches rather than bottles preffered) may be delivered c/o Oak Hill College and will be gratefully recieved.

Mrs Lloyd can be hired for musical purposes from £20 per hour. Terms and conditions apply.


  1. Who danced? And were there witnesses?

    Congratulations, Yvonne.

  2. Ros, mainly Yvonne, I must admit. I may have swayed a little.

    I saw it but I believe we were otherwise unobserved - one cant be sure at Oak Hill. If there were people in Seminar Rms 3 & 4 they may have been spying on us.

    I'm sure Mrs Lloyd wont mind my saying that the dancing involved a certain ammount of jumping and arm flapping, very much a young person's style, I believe.

  3. Anonymous3:58 pm

    Congraulations to Yvonne
