Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Keyboard instruments

It turns out that the piano makes its noise by hammers hitting strings. It is therefore from one point of view a procussion instrument.

The harpsicord (as the harp like name suggests) somehow makes its noise by plucking strings - like a string instrument.

The organ is all about wind - so is it more like wood wind or brass and has this changed throuh history?

Pianists can be a bit snobby about organists since how hard you hit the keys on the organ makes no difference, where as "touch" is vital for playing the piano well.

You do have all the stops and pedals and more than one keyboard to worry about on the organ but it only takes the same ammount of co-ordination as playing a drum kit and most people can make a sound on that.

Is that all correct, musos?

I played twinckle twinckle little star (first line only) twice badly in front of 4 musicians and 3 examiners yesyerday, and they were all very impressed - or at least they smiled and said nice things...


  1. Anonymous3:49 pm


    The organ is in some respects woodwind. Many organ pipes have reeds in them, like the mouthpiece of a clarinet or oboe!

  2. Anonymous4:00 pm

    what about the clavichord?!

  3. Thank you, Jeffers. Helpful and exact, as ever.

    Mrs Lloyd: I don't know. What about the clavichord, you tell me, my love?

