Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Adult Cereal" Protests Called Off

I was surprised to see that our local Sainsbury's supermarket has a whole section of shelveds labeled "Adult Cereal".

Fortunately, there seems to be nothing sexually explicit about said cereal products and as far as I could see they would be perfectly suitable for the under 18s.

The labelling is odd, but does not require a co-ordinated campaign of letter writing, boycouts and chaining of oneself to railings. I will not be lying down in front of trollies.

On the subject of protests, did you know that Most Revd Dr Archbishop Rowan was once arrested while celebrating the Eucharist at a Green-And-Comman Woman's Protest, I believe. I guess this puts him in a noble company of arrested prelates, although perhaps Latimer, Ridley and Cranmer had more important causes?


  1. Anonymous3:44 pm

    Green-And-Comman... wonderful! Was that deliberate (Greenham Common being more usual)? If accidental, we have much homour to thank 'the gift' for.

  2. Anonymous3:47 pm

    Sorry, that should be humour.

  3. Of course it was deliberate, Jeffers. But I'm afraid its not original. I think it might come from Sue Townsend's Diaries of Adrian Mole, but I wouldn't bet on it.
