Friday, January 12, 2007

Gobbledygook apologies

Sorry if some of my blog posts have been showing gobbledygook other than that of my own intentional making. I think its due to writing stuff in Word and then copying it into Blogger. All the garbage seems to be invisible if you use Mozilla Firefox, not Microsoft's Internet Explorer, and I didn't know it was doing it.

I shall try to do better.

Do any techy types know if I can copy things from Word without importing all this unwanted stuff? I tried hitting the Remove Formatting button but it got rid of my line breaks too.


  1. No idea, but I do know that if you just type an extra 'e' at the end of 'Clark' then even Internet Explorer will display my name correctly. And since everyone else seems to have their full titles, perhaps you'd like to replace it with:

    'Ros Clarke, MA(Oxon), PGCE, MTh.'
    *feeling hard done by*

  2. Ah, yes, sorry about the 'e', Ros. The letter, not the drug, of course.

    At least I managed to get the correct number of 'e's and 's's in your Christian name though, which is quite an achievement.

    People generally have titles not degrees, but as you as, I shall see what I can do.

    I could put MTh(Mdx) if you like? :)

    Do degrees go in order of getting them or order of precidence or something else, by the way?

  3. Ros,

    P.S., would you like "Miss" too?

  4. Anonymous1:45 pm

    Try this

    (i) Open up notepad (Start, Run, Notepad)

    (ii) Copy the text from Word, paste into Notepad

    (iii) Copy the text in Notepad, paste into Firefox / IE / Opera / Safari (delete as appropriate)

    Notepad will disregard the "unwanted stuff", so by the time you post into your blog, it'll be gone.

  5. Well it's not my fault not enough people have persuaded Tony Blair to make me Countess of Mercia yet. So I suppose I'll have to make do with Miss for the moment. Good incentive to get on with the work, though.

  6. Thank you very much, James. That sounds like a plan. I'll give it a go next time I'm blogging.

  7. Anonymous5:52 pm

    Degrees are usually listed from least to greatest, hence Dr Williams, MA, MSt, DPhil. Not sure what to do about PGCEs.
    Are they worth listing, Ros?! (Am I playing with fire?)

  8. Okay, Jeffers, but in your example is that not the same as order of award? Though I guess the MA(Oxon) COULD have been after the MSt, though I dont think it was in GW's case?

    Does a PGCE rank above a BA since it is a post-graduate degree?

    And is an MA(Oxon) least of all since it is a silly made up thing? - though in my view not a bad tradition?

    M.A. Lloyd, MA, MA

  9. Have been writing a few posts straight into NotePad, which seems to work, though it is a bit of a fiddle and rather inelegant. I'd like to be able to import different font sizes, italics and bold too. Hum ho.
