Friday, January 12, 2007

Female Headship

Doug Wilson writes:

We need order and hierarchy in order to live together, and it’s important to note that while the Bible teaches the husband is the head of the wife, and the head of the household, in a very real sense the wife is the head of the house…. 1 Tim 5:14… Tit 2:4f…

The idea of a wife as live-in maid and all-purpose drudge is antithetical to the scriptural pattern. The woman of the house is the mistress of her domain (and it is her domain); she has authority that can and should be exercised over members of her household. This extends to issues great and small: The laundry goes here, shoes come off at the door, rinse the dishes before they go in the dishwasher…..

A husband as the head of his wife is an honoured and permanent guest, but he should learn to see himself as a guest…. one of the husbands central duties is that of providing his wife with a domain where she exercises the kind of authority you see throughout … Proverbs 31…. That woman, whose price is above rubies, works in real estate, manages a vineyard, manufactures textiles, labours as a seamstress, works as a philanthropist, and directs all the servant girls. In short, she is the very model of an oikodespotes. (p13f)

Wilson, Douglas, My Life For Yours: A Walk Through The Christian Home (Moscow ID, Canon Press, 2004)


  1. I'm not a wife but have been watching my mum be a wife for as long as I can remember...She has tried to insist that "the laundry goes here, shoes come off at the door, rinse the dishes before they go in the dishwasher" but my dad still hasn't got it. Any suggestions from wives out there that I could give me mum? How are you getting on Yvonne?

  2. Thanks, Dawn.

    I'll try to remember to pass on your hello to Yvonne.

    And I'll let you know if Wilson has anything else to say on the subject as I read a bit more of his book.

    Mrs Wilson has written some good books aimed at wives, I believe?

    I guess Wilson would say that idealy a husband should encourage his wife to manage the home and support her way of doing things (as long as its not sinful).

    If the husband wont allow his wife to manage the home I guess its very hard for her to do so and I reckon she shouldn't try to bully him into it. He is afterall still the head of his wife even if he's a malfunctioning head. I guess 1 Peter 3 might be especially relevant if the wife is not a believer.

    I'd love to see practical tips too but I guess the wife has to be careful to avoid clever manipulation?

    Bestest, Marc

  3. Anonymous5:49 pm

    Nancy Wilson has indeed written many excellent books:

    Praise Her in the Gates: The Calling of Christian Motherhood

    The Fruit of her Hands: Respect and the Christian Woman

    Building her House: short columns from Credenda/Agenda magazine.

    Just to mention a few!
