Thursday, September 14, 2006

PhD notes

My notes on the Lord's Supper and Scripture have now passed the 80 000 word mark, which is the Middlesex University word limit for a PhD.

Its a shame that an original and significant contribution to scholarship is needed - though some of my notes have a waxky enough flavour not to be thought too derivative, I guess.

I expect the examiners'll want an argument too, rather than a scrapbook - or a blog.

If only PhDs were a bit more like Cert Min (in a way) or Christians in the Modern World (in another way).

Right, back to Warfield...

1 comment:

  1. That would be nice, a PhD for a blog.

    Would make the viva a bit interesting as the examiners trawl through 3 years -worth of postings, and try to grill you on it.

    Perhaps it would loose some of that academic skill of stringing together an argument and conslusions from the data though!
