Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Never Heard of Her

Despite Douglas Jones' enthusiasm for Flannery O'Connor I must admit that I've never heard of her. Is he right to be this keen and should I be ordering all her stuff?

Flannery O'Connor is easily the most important and talented and self-consciously Christian short story author of the twentieth century. Nobody else is close. I've seen her stories revolutionize people's lives, and yet most Christians have never even heard her name. Sure, many Christian academics and writers sing her praises, especially of late. But we should all know her stories inside and out; they should be easy allusions in conversation; they should be common parables in our teens' mouths. And we need to master her style and absorb her insights before the next generation can build upon her gifts.


  1. Anonymous10:03 am

    I've read a couple of her short stories and enjoyed them. Not sure I'd get quite as excited as Doug Jones, though! But then, I'm not excitable.

  2. Yes, she is a genius. Amazing stuff!

    There is this one story about a travelling bible salesman who steals a girl's artificial leg...
