Monday, May 29, 2006

Oak Hill Ball Independant Report

Mandy's excellent independant report of the Private Oak Hill College May Ball - wot Ros and I did so well - with photographic evidence can be found here.

So far we have covered our costs, given gifts to men and made a massive £10.40 for the Bongo Bongo fund. What could be better?

I would be willing to Chair the Entz committee next year, if it can be a private dictatorship with my friends co-opted at whim. Maybe risky but I reconkon more fun and more efficient and you could always depose me by force of arms if I became a tyrant? We could split the profits: 33% for SCR, Bongo Bongo & Marc's new home fund?

And does the ball count as College Job for me and Ros for ever? And can you transfer College Job credits to Westminster Theological Seminary, Philly? And do they even have the strange compulsary secret-before-you-sign-up college slavery unpaid job system for people paying fees at Westminster? Pay to work: novel. Mind you, I wouldnt swap bing head juniour Librarian for the world. Wendy - our most excellent of librarians - has given me so much more than I could ever repay. Thank you.

Thank you Ros, and everyone who helped and came and actually paid their £2 entry fee and God, not necessarily in that order.

And I'm sorry I didn't dance more enthusiasticly and speedily, sweet heart - Yvonne, that is, in case you were wondering.... Next time. A bit of dancing seems to me little to ask, when compared to the humiliating indignity of the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ for his bride-to-be, so next time I pledge myslef to strut my stuff with gay abandon and a big smile on my chubby little face!

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