Monday, May 29, 2006

Is Faith In Public Life Good For Britain?

I think this is what I would have said if they'd given me 1000 words to read at the Faithworks Public Debate on "Is Faith In Public Life Good For Britain?", after Steve Chalke, Poly Toynbee and National Secular Society man had spoken.

My main points would be:

It all depends what we mean by “faith” in public life

A. “faith” as believing / depending on things is inevitable

B. “faith” as gullibility / certainty is not good for public life in Britain

C. “faith in public life” is good for Britain

C2. good “faith” in public life is good for Britain

C3. I’m for “faith in Jesus” as good for public life in Britain

Sorry if you find it a bit predictable. Its dangerously close to the vital but now boring Oak Hill mantra of "We must distinguish!".

Any feedback welcome.

I'll be handing this in tommorow, d. v.

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