Saturday, December 24, 2022

Always remember you're enough as you are

 "Always remember you're enough as you are"

Is this a Christian sentiment?

There is certainly something of the Bible about it. 

The Bible would tell us that we are more loved than we could possibly imagine. 

You are more than a chemical machine. You are not just a higher ape. 

In fact, you were made by God, in his image, to be his dearly loved child. 

Yes, God loves you as you are. 

But if we're honest we all know that how we are isn't always great. We have all messed up many times, in some big ways, in many small ways. We are messed up.  

God loves us so much he doesn't leave us as we are. He loves us in our mess. 

He comes to help and heal and transform us. He can take our mess. He can take care of it. 

We are broken gods. 

God means to fix us up. 

That's why Jesus came. And Jesus is enough. 

Left to ourselves, we can never be "enough", whatever that means. 

We can stop trying to impress others, ourselves, God. 

The world is not enough. 

There's more!

Come and welcome to Jesus Christ. In him is all the fullness of God. He is more than sufficient. He offers us an abundant overflowing life which even death cannot destroy. We can never come to the end of Jesus. And he can more than satisfy.

Forget about yourself. Always remember Jesus Christ, crucified and risen. He alone is enough. 

Merry Christmas!

You can hear Charlie Mackesy talk about the Christian faith here: 

"Come as you are; be transformed" isn't a bad invitation. 

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