Friday, October 21, 2022

Nick Tucker, 12 Things God Can’t Do… and how they can help you sleep at night


Nick Tucker, 12 Things God Can’t Do… and how they can help you sleep at night

(The Good Book Company, 2022)

ISBN: 9781784986766 pb 185pp


It’s a pleasure to be able to recommend this book which seeks to introduce and apply the classical doctrine of God. Conversational in style with interesting introductions.


Tucker argues that God cannot sleep, learn, be surprised, change his mind, be seen, bear to look on sin, change, be lonely, suffer, die, be tempted, lie or disown himself. And shows why these apparent limitations are good things – glories of God.


Each claim is grounded in Scripture and applied. There are some good quotations from the Fathers. Interludes consider the incarnation in which God slept, went to school, appeared, suffered and dies alone, and was tempted, as a man.


I especially enjoyed the little outline on Mark 4: a mega windstorm (v37), a mega calm (v39) and a mega fear (v41). “The disciples end the story more afraid of having Jesus in the boat than they were at having an increasing quantity of the see in there” (p22)


Pp73, 95f – 1 Timothy 1:17, the invisible God, whom no one has seen or can see (6:15f) – cf. the appearing of Jesus 3:14-16; 6:14-16 – the appearing of the invisible God!


1 Sam 15:29, 35

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