Saturday, September 17, 2022

Reading The Torah (Genesis and Exodus) as Christian Scripture for the Church Today - Towards an approach

 Corrections? Additions?

Invitation, introduction and approach: as Christian Scripture for Today’s Church   


Close, careful reading with attention to the big picture and to today


As Christian Scripture


Grammatico-historical criticism – just like any other book?


The original intention of the human author for his readers but also God’s Word for us today (and for the church in all ages)




The role of the Holy Spirit – inspiration, illumination




Progressive revelation


Perhaps the human writers spoke better than they knew – a fuller sense? – The benefit of hindsight!


Focus on the final form of the text not hypothetical reconstructions of its origins


Theological – TIS – The Theological Interpretation of Scripture  






Openness to typology – i.e. patterns, pictures etc.


With the church (global, living and dead)


For the church (and obviously for the world!)


Practical, devotional – faith seeking understanding, and obedience

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