Thursday, September 29, 2022

Further jottings from the Diocesan Clergy wellbeing day (Sept 2022)

I didn’t take full notes on everything, but in addition to the jottings I already blogged from The Revd Will Van Der Hart, I also went to session by Bishop Martin, Dr Sr Gemma Simmonds CJ and The Revd Dr Earl Collins:


Sara Maitland on the laughter of Sarah


 What makes you think / provokes your imagination / makes you see differently? – things that transcend and connect?


Put on your own oxygen mask first! Only with a reasonable degree of self care can we effectively care for others over the long haul


D. H. Lawrance poem “Pax”: “All that matters is to be at one with the living God /
to be a creature in the house of the God of Life….”


Stillness even in the heart of the storm


Disconnection of body / mind, praying self / working sel, inner / outer


Monk Damian Lundy: “I’m Damian and I’m okay because God doesn’t make rubbish” – post it note on bathroom mirror – Another brother added: “No, he just collects it!”


She adds: God is in fact the greatest recycler in the business!


The last chapter of The Cloud of Unknowing: “Because it is not what you are nor what you have been that God looks at with his merciful eyes, but what you desire to be.”


 Pope Francis: “"I am a mission on this earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world. We have to regard ourselves as sealed, even branded, by this mission of bringing light, blessing, enlivening, raising up, healing and freeing." 
(Evangelii Gaudium)


George “Hacksaw” Huxley liberating the locked up swings on a Sunday in Belfast – prosecuted!


Sabbath – rest from creation – celebration of redemption – foretaste of fullness of the Kingdom


A blessed hospitable community feast formed by God’s rescue


A Jewish song for welcoming the Sabbath:


“Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath.

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath. 

"Obse​rve" and "Remember​ the Sabbath day," the only God caused us to hear in a single utterance​: the Lord is One, and his name is One to his renown and his glory and his praise.

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath. 

Come,​​​​​​​​​​ let us go to meet the Sabbath, for it is a well-spri​ng of blessing;​ from the beginning​, from of old it was ordained,​ - last in productio​n, first in thought.

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath. 

O sanctuary​ of our King, O regal city, arise, go forth from thy overthrow​; long enough hast thou dwelt in the valley of weeping; verily He will have compassio​n upon thee.

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath. 

Shake​ thyself from the dust, arise, put on the garments of thy glory, O my people! Through the son of Jesse, the Bethlehem​ite, draw Thou nigh unto my soul, redeem it.

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath. 

Arous​e thyself, arouse thyself, for thy light is come: arise, shine; awake, awake; give forth a song; the glory of the Lord is revealed upon thee.

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath. 

Be not ashamed, neither be confounde​d. Why art thou cast down, and why art thou disquiete​d? The poor of my people trust in thee, and the city shall be builded on her own mound.

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath. 

And they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that would swallow thee shall be far away: thy God shall rejoice over thee, as a bridegroo​m rejoiceth​ over his bride.

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath. 

Thou shalt spread abroad on the right hand and on the left, and thou shalt reverence​ the Lord. Through the offspring​ of Perez we also shall rejoice and be glad.

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath. 

Come in peace, thou crown of thy husband, with rejoicing​ and with cheerfuln​ess, in the midst of the faithful of the chosen people: come, O bride; come, O bride.

O Bride, Shabbat Queen, now come here!

Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the presence of the Sabbath.


Sabbath as end or start of week?

Beginning at sundown or sunrise?


Sunday – The Lord’s Day – Resurrection Day!


The transfiguration of life


Death and life


“Where shall the word be found, where will the word
Resound? Not here, there is not enough silence...” (T.S. Eliot, 
Ash Wednesday, section V)

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