Friday, July 15, 2022

Work with a Machiavellian?

 Should I hire someone Machiavellian?

Probably not. 

You might want this ruthless political genius on your side. 

But the thing is that he is never really on your side. He is only on his own side. 

When it becomes necessary, he will not hesitate to stab you in the back. 

The Machiavellian is actually unfit as a superior, a subordinate or even a self. 

In contrast to Plato, Machiavelli has divorced politics from ethics. 

It is not actually obvious, if you are a strict Materialist, why Machiavelli was wrong. 

In fact, we all are and ought to be metaphysical believers. 

Machiavelli cannot offer us a secular salvation. 

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