Thursday, July 14, 2022

Jordan Peterson's Message to the Christian Churches

 Dr Jordan Peterson does not say it all. He does not even say what is most important. But he does have something useful to say in his ten minute message to the Christian churches especially in the West and with respect to young men. 

Peterson argues that original sin has been weaponised by unhelpful ideas which have led to a total demoralisation. Society wants to make us docile, harmless, obedient. But three particular ideas are deadly:

(1) It's The Patriarchy

(2) Human beings are a threat to the planet

(3) Male ambition is selfish power. It is virtually rape. 

Of course there is some truth in all of these ideas, but they can be abused. 

Peterson is on to something when he says that we must call men to be who they are meant to be. To attend to their souls. To aim up. To sacrifice themselves. To kill the dragon and get the girl. 

We must say: You are not all you could be. We are not all we could be. Let us fix you up and you can help fix us up.

Now, there is much more to say. Mainly the grace of God and the power of the Spirit. But there is a kind of echo of the gospel here. There is much to learn from this urgent and passionate sermon. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I think he has much to teach believers, particularly in the area of courage. Perhaps one of his reasons for his popularity is his courage. I think becoming a bit more like him in this area would make me a little bit more like Christ.
