Sunday, July 10, 2022

Is God male?


How would you begin to respond to this question? Maybe some things to consider are:

What do you mean by “male”?

God doesn’t have a body.

God has revealed himself as a “he” rather than a “her” or an “it”.

God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Father and Son are clearly “male”.

The Bible sometimes uses male, female and neuter metaphors to refer to God.

All language is analogical not univocal. And this is especially so of God who is Being Itself / Himself. God is his attributes. He has all his attributes in a uniquely God-like manner.

God is always incomprehensible to us. We can never know God fully and perfectly as God knows God-self.

God is the Creator and prototype. Creation reflects the Creator. It may be argued that all things in creation including male and femaleness reflect something in God.

We must not idolatrously project maleness or things we think of as male on to God.

See further:

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