Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Critical Reflection on Practice

 Or stating the obvious. 

For almost any activity there will be some form of:






How do do each stage could of course be discussed at length and matters. 

To keep doing the same thing and expect different results is a definition of madness. 

Things change. 

We want to improve. 

Critical Reflection on Practice does not mean critical. It means forming some kind of justifiable judgement. And so this presumes some kind of criteria or body of knowledge against which an activity or outcome can be judged. 

For example, this cycle could be used to improve your preaching. But you would need to think about what preaching is, what a sermon is, what it is aiming to do, what makes a good sermon, how its effects might be judged, etc. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:46 pm

    The congregation also has its part to play in approaching the sermon as God speaking to them and helping them to grow in their faith.
