Friday, June 03, 2022

Applied Focused Purpose and Church Leadership

 The phrase "applied focussed purpose" can help us think about the how, what and why of church leadership. 

You need FOCUS. Even in a small church, there are probably too many people and things to really concentrate on. For a time you may need to focus on admin, or the building, or even the flowers. But what are the things and people you really want to give your attention to? 

PURPOSE. Why? What are your aims large and small? Yes, the glory of God and the good of people. Growth in number and commitment to Christ. 

APPLIED. Break it down. What now? What next? How do your focus and purpose get put in to action by you and others? We don't want activism and we know that being matters more than doing, but you will do some stuff so what and how and why?

What might our church look like with the blessing of God in five years time? What are the next steps, as well as prayer and openness to changing our ideas?

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