Friday, February 04, 2022

Pastoral and evangelistic minimums?

 It is easy to think "oh, I wish I'd said..." We can perhaps think of great lines or questions or approaches when the moment has passed. 

We can look back on pastoral and evangelistic encounters and worry whether we spoke of Christ as clearly and compellingly as we might have done. Did the urgency and importance of the gospel come across or did we have a nice take it or leave it chat? Did I want to be liked by these people or did I have any concern for their immortal souls? Was there any hint that we stand on the brink of eternity?

At one level we need to relax and trust Christ. But maybe there are a couple of minimums we could keep in mind:

(1) JESUS. He is our USP, what we have to offer. So let us seek to speak of him. Maybe his name is never spoken in this house. Or the people here only ever use his name as a swear word. Could I speak positively with interest about Jesus? Perhaps that might be enough to encourage someone to think further about him. It is a tiny step, but it could be a first one. Name Jesus! 

(2) PRAYER. Before, during and after. We could pray daily for opportunities and wise and gentle, bold and winsome words. This might help us to be more alert and winsome. We could pray before a meeting or encounter. And we could almost always end a meeting by saying: "Would you mind if I say a prayer with you?". And later we commit all with whom we've spent time or interacted to the Lord each evening, praying that if we have planted a tiny seed, he might in his grace and power water it and give the growth.  

This isn't rocket science and much more could be said and done. But even these two things are easily forgotten and neglected. They could make a big difference because, you know, Jesus is good news and Lord and Messiah and Saviour. And our loving heavenly Father delights to hear and answer prayer. 

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