Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Whom do we want on our church teams?

 We all of us love an encourager. I can think of one person, of blessed memory in our church, who was always grateful and positive. It is great to have such people around. We need them. 

And it is wonderful to have people with a can-do attitude who are keen to get on and serve. They think stuff is possible and worthwhile and they're willing to throw heart and soul and hands into it. 

But we need not only yes-people on our team. 

Someone will need to sound a note of caution from time to time can be valuable. Or at least to ask relevant questions. What are the risks here? What is the worst case scenario? This can seem like negativity, but it may be helpful checking rather than destructive nay-saying. 

We also need those with an eye for detail and implementation. Those with a big picture grand vision should have patience with this. No one wants meetings to go on longer than necessary, but I was in a meeting this week where it would have been good if we'd spent a few moments on who (if anyone) is going to do the hot cross buns. 

It might be useful for individuals or groups to consider each of the six thinking hats

Or  the Enneagram types.

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