Friday, January 07, 2022

How to have a fighting chance of good mental health

For a number of reasons, the West seems to be in the grip of a growing mental health crisis. And no doubt Covid hasn't helped. 

And yet, we are able to say with some confidence what is correlated with good mental health. 

I'm no expert on this, but from memory a good list might include:


* have a friend or close family member or romantic partner

* have some meaningful activity or work, paid or voluntary

* stick to a routine. Particularly get up at the same time each day, but also have regular meal times and bedtimes

* eat healthily 

* aim for good sleep e.g. by avoiding screens before bed

* exercise

* get out in creation 

* have a hobby or interest

* perhaps do something creative, musical or artistic

* care for someone or something else (such as a pet)

* avoid unhealthy alcohol or drug use

* try to avoid excessive stresses. If you have recently suffered a major bereavement and are completing a PhD, it might not be the best time to change jobs, move house, start a business and break up with your boyfriend. 

They teach this is schools now, right? 

The internet no doubt abounds with better more informed lists than mine. For example, the mental health foundation has a free How To Look After Your Mental Health Guide with Ten Suggestions.

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