Saturday, December 04, 2021

(4) Fixated on Jesus the Powerful Word - Hebrews 1:3 (p14f)

(4) Fixated on Jesus the Powerful Word - Hebrews 1:3 (p14f)


Fixated: Advent Meditations from the Book of Hebrews

Tim Chester

10 of those, 2020 ISBN: 9781913278953 73pp


It’s a staggering thought, isn’t it, that the vast universe and everything in it is sustained by the powerful will and word of Jesus. Every sub-atomic particle moves at his direction. All the winds and waves do his bidding. Innumerable plants and animals owe their existence to him. And this infinite God loves and cares for you and me. If he can sustain all things, we can trust him to sustain us too. He is more than powerful enough to keep us going as his people and to get us safely to glory.


One way of summing up the message of Hebrews would be to say that Jesus is supreme and sufficient therefore we should stick with Jesus. We could have no more powerful Saviour. Jesus is all we need. May we prize him and stick close to him.


Song: Thou Whose Almighty Word -

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