Saturday, December 11, 2021

(11) Fixated on Jesus the True Man - Hebrews 2:5-9 (p33f)


(11) Fixated on Jesus the True Man - Hebrews 2:5-9 (p33f)


Fixated: Advent Meditations from the Book of Hebrews

Tim Chester

10 of those, 2020 ISBN: 9781913278953 73pp


Human beings have a higher status than angels in the sense that they are made in the image of God to rule the world under him. We are adopted into the family of our loving heavenly Father. Angels are awesome and powerful beings, but they are servants, ministers.


In our fallen world, we do not see all things subject to humanity. The world is out of sorts. We often make it worse, not better. But Jesus is a New and Second Adam, the Last Adam who will rule the world perfectly and put it to rights. Our destiny as human beings is fulfilled in him.


Jesus’ full and true humanity means he perfectly meets our needs as human beings. This is another reason to be fixated on Jesus. Jesus shows us who we were meant to be. By his death he restores us to the relationship with God for which we were created.


Song: Praise to the holiest in the height -


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