Monday, October 18, 2021

An argument for lay evangelism and ministry

 Which as it happens, I stole from my Lay Reader whose sermon I was able to listen to on Facebook. 

When the Vicar talks about Jesus, he is only doing what he is paid to do. We expect him to go on about God. We can kind of filter it out. He is a hired hand. His livelihood and his professional status might be thought to depend on people giving to his church and attending it. 

But what of the lay person? He or she is more disinterested. What reason does she have for expounding the excellence of Jesus other than the fact that she finds Jesus excellent? She may want you to go to her church, but largely because she loves to go herself and she thinks you would love it. Maybe she would ideally like you to give to her church, but she first puts her money where her mouth is as she thinks it worth giving to. 

(Provoked by 1 Thessalonians chapter 2: dare to tell others the gospel). 

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