Thursday, September 02, 2021

On book buying

 My wife will no doubt agree that my book buying is totally healthy. All the books we have we need. We can afford. The piles on the shelves and on the floor are fine, essential, even. They're an investment. The kids will appreciate their legacy. But let's just imagine for a moment that there could be a dark side to book buying. What could it be?

(1) Certainly there is something impulsive, even compulsive about it. There is a lack of wisdom and patience. Is this the best book for me now? A cooling off period might do me good. After a week of mature reflection, I might not think this book is really worth my time, money and space just at the moment. 

(2) And then there is something about lack of diligence, lack of follow through. Reader, I confess to you that I have not read every word of all the books that I have. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but many of the books I already own are good and worthy. I could find help and enjoyment in them if I had not been distracted. It would do me good to go back to some of the volumes on my shelves or in my half-read piles before adding to them, 

(3) And there is something about what I think this book might give me, or appear to give me. Maybe this book will solve my problems. Or help me to be witty or interesting.... One might even say that I am almost building a physical fortress of books. They surround me on many sides as I write. But these books are not a sure defence. 

We could imagine these things. But of course I don't have a problem. Oh, there's the Amazon delivery man - again! 

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