Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Ocean of Grace (43): WEDNESDAY – All Things Applaud You (p143ff)

Lent Book:


My jottings:


(Comments welcome)



Ocean of Grace (43): WEDNESDAY – All Things Applaud You (p143ff)


It is perhaps not too fanciful to see the pattern of death and resurrection as written in to creation in the form of night and day (sleep is a picture of death followed by resurrection) and winter followed by spring.


The continuation of the seasons is a sign of God’s faithfulness and kindness to humanity (Genesis 8:22).


Jesus himself frequently drew upon creation in his teaching, not least when he spoke of his body as a seed which must die and be buried in the earth that it might produce a harvest of life (John 12:23-25).


Jesus means to redeem and renew the whole cosmos and bring in a new creation. His own resurrection body provides a kind of pattern for the renewal of all things. The same body rose from the tomb but it arose a spiritual body, transformed, renewed, glorified. Similarly creation will be renewed. See e.g. Romans 8; 1 Corinthians 15; Revelation 21. Our hope is not just for a disembodied “spiritual” heaven, but for resurrection bodies and New Creation (the renewal of all things). God’s plans for this creation will not be thwarted by sin. He means for his kingdom to come on this earth in all its fulness. He will take the world he has made from one degree of glory to another.


Jesus’ resurrection is a kind of first fruits of the resurrection. His rising from the grave proves that death is defeated and a great harvest is coming. Jesus is like the first bluebell of spring. Soon there will be a great multitude that no one can number. 


Hymn: How Great Thou Art





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