Monday, March 15, 2021

Ocean of Grace (28): TUESDAY – Cast Us Not Aside (p96ff)

 Lent Book:


My jottings:


(Comments welcome)


Ocean of Grace (28): TUESDAY – Cast Us Not Aside (p96ff)


It is worth dwelling on and clinging to this great promise of Jesus to us: “whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” (John 6v37). The rest of the passage is obviously worth reading too!


How could you begin to write this precious promise on your heart in gold letters? Could you memorise this verse? Ponder it. Pray over it. Praise God for it. Should you stick this verse up on the bathroom mirror or fridge door?


Whenever we come to Jesus in repentance and faith (however imperfect our repentance and weak our faith) we can be sure that Jesus always welcomes sinners. We might come hesitantly, haltingly and in a terrible mess, but he will welcome us and keep us. We come with many doubts and unresolved issues, but he will never drive us away.


There is no one better than Jesus to whom we could come. Remember he is the matchless man. He has no worthy rivals, only imitations. Only he can save. Come to him!


What drew us to Christ when we first came to him? What draws us to Christ still and keeps us coming back to him?


And our very coming is a result of the work of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We come. But it is all whom the Father gives to Christ who will come. He draws us. The Spirit makes us alive and gives us the desire and ability to come. Christ responds to the work of God in us.


The Father and the Son are more than able to keep all those who are theirs. No one can snatch us from the divine hands. We are held, secure, kept. Our salvations depends on Christ and his hold on us, not on our weak grasp of him. We couldn’t be safer than in our Saviour’s grip. Blessed assurance!   


Take the prayer in the final line of our reading to heart: “May we never lose the comfort of our security in you for lack of meditating on this.”


Hymn: Jesus Calls Us O’er The Tumult




Words etc.:

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