Saturday, March 06, 2021

Ocean of Grace (18): SATURDAY – Perfumed by Jesus (p64ff)

  Lent Book:


My jottings:


(Comments welcome)


Ocean of Grace (18): SATURDAY – Perfumed by Jesus (p64ff)


Maybe the thought that “not an hour goes by without us having business with the court of heaven” could be a spur to you to take a moment or two to pause in the day to offer a brief prayer. Is there a request to make, a sin to confess, a need to be supplied or a blessing for which to give thanks? Be encouraged that through Jesus we always have ready access to our loving heavenly Father.


We would find it very difficult to get in to see the Queen, however briefly. What a privilege, then, that as his children we can always come before the King of Heaven sure of a welcome for Jesus’ sake. It is a privilege for which we should be much more thankful and of which we ought to make much more use.


It is true that everything we do is tainted by sin, but give thanks that because of Jesus our weak and failing efforts are pleasing to God. The sin is covered. Our Father loves to hear his children speak honestly to him. Every action and word prompted by love actually pleases him. He smiles at you his child! Remember that however badly you mess up and however inadequate your best efforts, he says to you in Christ: “You are my child whom I love. With you I am well pleased.”


On our lives as a sacrifice of thanks and praise, see also Romans 12:1ff. Notice the “therefore”. This is our response in the light of the gospel, in view of God’s mercy, we offer our bodies as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God through Christ. May we do that afresh today knowing that we can always “approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.


Hymn: Only by grace can we enter




Words etc.:

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