Monday, March 01, 2021

Ocean of Grace (14): TUESDAY – Such a Soul-Friend (p52ff)

Lent Book:


My jottings:


(Comments welcome) 


Ocean of Grace (14): TUESDAY – Such a Soul-Friend (p52ff)


What makes a true friend?

What might a good friend do for us?


Do you think of Jesus as your friend?

What do you value in his friendship?


What are our needs / desires? What do we seek?

How does Jesus fulfil these needs or desires, or the real needs and desires of which they are distortions?


Does the friendship of Jesus make the “things of the world” grow strangely dim? What are luxury or plaudits (or…) compared to the firm friendship of the King of Kings?


It makes sense, of course, that Jesus should be a friend of sinners because he has come for the sake of sinners, to do for them what they most need. He is indeed a friend to us in our need! As we have previously seen, all of us are sin-sick, but Jesus, the Saviour of Sinners, will seem useless and irrelevant to those who claim they are already righteous and healthy without him, as they will think they have no need of this doctor. (See further Luke 5:32)


Jesus is falsely accused of being a glutton and a drunkard. His ministry was characterised by joy rather than fasting. He was the bridegroom with the wedding guest (Mark 2:19). It is striking how frequently in the gospels Jesus is at meals or parties, or how much of his teaching is about food and drink or banquets and weddings. Heaven is often pictured as a wedding party. (The Lord’s Supper is a foretaste of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb).


Once again, the extract shows how Jesus perfectly meets our need. Our desires are fallen and distorted and often misdirected. We do not really know what would make for our true and lasting happiness and we so easily become addicted to God-substitutes, idols which we hope will make us secure or happy or powerful or popular or…. But we were made for friendship with Jesus so all our true God-given desires find their ultimate satisfaction in him: in him is honour and glory and power and love and satisfaction and rest and security and peace and joy and…


Only Jesus can really satisfy. With Jesus the Lord as our Shepherd we shall not be in real or ultimate want (Psalm 23).


If we are to be friends of Jesus, likely we will experience the enmity of the world. As he warns his disciples, the world will hate us as it hated him. James 4:4 tells us: “friendship with the world means enmity against God. Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.” Jesus is the friend of sinners but he is no friend to sin. To choose the friendship of Jesus means to turn our back of the world in the sense of God-less Christ-rejecting society.


With the friendship of Jesus we can cope with insults, slights and opposition. God plus one is a majority!


Jesus is our friend who loves us and lays down his life for us (John 15:13). He goes on to say to his disciples: “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (Abraham too is called a friend of God in James 2:23). The prophets too are like friends of God since he reveals his purposes to them (Amos 3:7; see also Jeremiah 23:18, 23) – they know their master’s business. Jesus has made us his friend by making God and his plans and purposes known to us. Of course we still have many questions and uncertainties, but in Christ we know who we are, what we are made for and where we are going.


Hymn: What a Friend We Have in Jesus




Words etc.:

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