Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Ocean of Grace (8): WEDNESDAY – The Lord Our Lover (p33ff)

 Lent Book:


My jottings:


(Comments welcome)


Ocean of Grace (8): WEDNESDAY – The Lord Our Lover (p33ff)


What makes you want to sing? Pray for a similar, a greater, delight and joy in Christ. We should be more overflowing with excitement for Jesus even than for Wales beating England in the rugby!


Meditate on God’s rapturous and extravagant delight in us. Although he is fully satisfied and blessed in himself and eternally impassable and immutable and so on, our loving heavenly Father really does love us and is pleased with our weak and stammering expressions of faith and love (which are after all his own work in us).


Yesterday we mentioned some of the texts which speak of God’s people as his wife / bride or of the Church as the bride of Christ. We should perhaps have mentioned above all the Song of Solomon / The Song of Songs (which by the way, means the best of songs) which speaks of God’s love for his people.


For talks and resources on The Song of Songs see:


Luther also describes the wonderful exchange which takes place when we are joined by faith to Christ our husband. He takes on our debts and disgrace and we get his honour and name and riches.


“...Christ and the soul become one flesh [Eph. 5:31-32]. And if they are one flesh, and if between them there is a true marriage... it follows that everything they have they hold in common, the good as well as the evil. Accordingly, the believing soul can boast of and glory in whatever Christ has as though it were its own, and whatever the soul has, Christ claims as his own. ... Let us compare these, and we shall see inestimable benefits. Christ is full of grace, life and salvation. The soul is full of sins, death and damnation. Now let faith come between them, and sins, death and damnation will be Christ's, while grace, life and salvation will be the soul's... By the wedding ring of faith he shares in the sins, death and pains of hell, which are his bride's.... Her sins cannot now destroy her... and she has that righteousness of Christ, her husband, ... and [can] say, "If I have sinned, yet my Christ, in whom I believe, has not sinned, and all his is mine and mine is his..."


(The Freedom of a Christian, 1520, if I recall correctly. I went through a phase of sending this extract to Christian friends on their wedding days!)


We might pray with the Apostle Paul that we would have power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ for us and that we might know this love which surpasses knowledge. (Ephesians 3:14-21). What a love! We can know it truly but never completely because it is in exhaustible. It can never be used up or run out. However far along we get in the way of love, it still stretches out to the far horizon. We can soak deep down into it, but we can never plumb its depths.


Jesus’ love is of every love the best. It is the love of loves, and worth singing about.


Hymn: Jesus Lover of My Soul




Words etc.:

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