Sunday, February 21, 2021

Ocean of Grace (5): SUNDAY - Your Grace Shines Brightest (p24ff)

 Lent Book:


My jottings:


(Comments welcome)


Ocean of Grace (5): SUNDAY – Your Grace Shines Brightest (p24ff)


Meditate on the fact that every good thing we have is a gift from God. Each breath, each heartbeat, every thought is a God’s grace to us. This greatly increases our joy in all these things: we are not just enjoying them as good stuff, but as the gift of our heavenly Father who loves us. It’s all personal and planned for our good and for his glory!


The gospel diamond shines brightest against the black back-cloth of our sin.


Each of the paragraphs is worth reflecting on:

Christ’s humility, although he was Almighty God by right 

His patience with our repeated slowness and foolishness and the same old sins

His love in all its self-sacrifice

His mercy to debtors who could never repay him

His meekness when he could have commanded armies of angels


On the humility of Christ, see further Philippians 2:5-11.


Isn’t it striking how we undervalue the infinitely valuable Christ? We foolishly consider other things more valuable than him, as did the Rich Young Ruler in the Gospels (e.g. Mark 10). Rather, like Paul, we ought to consider all things rubbish, dung, compared to knowing Christ. (Philippians 3).


What matters most to you and why?


Why is Jesus valuable?

How could you increase your appreciation of him?

Consider him as the Pearl of Great Price or the Treasure hidden in a field. (Matthew 13)


Do you often think of God / Jesus as happy? Blessed? Joyful?

The Christian tradition is that God is entirely blessed. He is eternally unchanging (immutable) and cannot be acted upon. He does not have emotions like ours. He is impassable. God can never been down in the dumps! If God were to lose any of his attributes, he would no longer be God. God is always perfectly happy and satisfied. Though, speaking of him in human terms, the Bible also tells us of course that God is angry with sin and grieved over suffering etc. The Happy God loves and cares for us.


Again, the richness of this imagery deserves dwelling upon: Christ as beauty, music, honey, perfume, health etc.

Maybe we think more about the truth and goodness of God than we do about his beauty? We might do well to dwell on this.


Do you find Christ attractive like this?

Pray that God would open your eyes afresh to Jesus’ loveliness and cause you to fall more deeply in love with him.


Suggested hymn: Amazing love (My Lord what love is this)

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