Monday, February 22, 2021

I am the resurrection and the life (handout / notes)

 God-willing I am speaking on this text from John for CTHD. Here are some notes / a handout which might be helpful. There is intended to be some discussion in break out groups. 

Churches Together in Heathfield and District

Lent 2021 – The I AM Sayings of Jesus - Session 2

Sunday 28th February 6:30pm via Zoom Meeting ID: 839 1448 8038

Or phone 02034815237 and enter the meeting ID number



(John 11:25)


[God] has saved us and called us to a holy life—

not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.

This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,

but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Saviour, Christ Jesus,

who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.

(1 Timothy 1:9-10)


Preparation: Read John 11


A text without a context is a pretext / prooftext


But focus here on this I AM saying in the context of John’s Gospel rather than on the story of Lazarus etc.


A smelly part of John’s Gospel – v39 – AV / KJV – “he stinketh”! – 12:3


Life and death in the time of Covid


Have you / others been more aware of death / our mortality this last year?

How has this affected you / others?

How have we / others dealt with that?


Introduction – Life and Faith in John’s Gospel


The purpose of John’s gospel (20:30-31) – reading the last page first!


-          Believe / go on believing in / into Jesus – faith / trust

-          Have life in him


Life and faith linked in 11:25 – believe in Jesus and live


5:39-40 – The purpose of the Scriptures is to come to Jesus (in faith) to have life


Last week: “if anyone keeps my words, he will never see death” 8:51


Keeping Jesus words // believing in him (which also affects how we live)


Abraham is alive! 8:56-59 – cf. I am the God of Abraham etc. (Matthew 22:32)


Revision: The I AM Sayings


The ordinary way of saying “I am”!


Cf. Exodus 3:14 – YHWH - Yahweh (Jehovah) – I AM – I am who I am / I will be who I will be – often LORD in our English Bibles – God’s personal covenant name by which his people are to relate to him


God’s nature and character as I AM


God’s unique self-existence and life – life from / in himself – Life – Being Himself


God’s unchangeable eternity


God’s self-consistency, faithfulness, trustworthiness, covenant promise keeping


How might any of this help us / others with issues of life and death at this time?


(Questions / INTERVAL FOR GROUP DISCUSSION – talk about the questions above in italics or any of this!)




The Old Testament hope – sometimes shadowy - a general resurrection at the end of time of the righteous and the wicked – Sadducees joke


I am the resurrection??? – not just I will be resurrected / I will guarantee your resurrection


Jesus’ resurrection brings this end time event into the middle of history


Jesus the first fruits / prototype of the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15)


The resuscitation of Lazarus and the resurrection of Jesus


Believing in / into Jesus – faith union with him – “in Christ”, joined by the Spirit – risen with him


The resurrection of the cosmos – New Creation = Creation 2.0


INTERVAL FOR GROUP DISCUSSION – Consider any of the above and / or:


What is the Christian hope of the resurrection?

What difference does that hope make to life before death?




Life in John’s gospel


Jesus miraculous Signs signify that he gives life to those who believe


-          Healings, giving bread, water into wine a transformation resurrection glorification miracle (2:1 - on the third day!), anticipating the Wedding Feast of the Lamb


-          I am the bread of life (6:35)

-          I am the way the truth and the life (14:6)

-          I am the light of the world (8:12) – light and life (1:3-5)


Life / Eternal life – quality and quantity – the life of the age to come / of the ages


Knowing God – 17:3


The New Birth – Ch. 3


Now and not yet – 5:21, 24-30


The Lazarus joke!




What is life in Jesus like now?

How can we live more fully in the light of the life we have now and the life to come?


Comments / questions?


These notes:


See also e.g.,


All age sermon:


(I suggest Googling your favourite resurrection / Easter hymns: Up From The Grave He Arose; Christ Triumphant Ever Reigning; Jesus Lives Thy Terrors Now; I Know That My Redeemer Liveth)

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