Saturday, February 06, 2021

Four Reminders for those Tempted to Compare Themselves to Mozart

Mozart died at the age of 35, amongst other things having composed over 600 works. He was an early- and over- achiever! 

 For those who are tempted to compare themselves to Mozart:

(1) Compare with care!

Of course you are not Mozart and your circumstances are rather different. 

You ought to compare yourself to Christ, but not because you are thinking of taking over as Messiah! 

Look at the spotless Son of God and you will see your sin afresh and how far short of True Humanity you fall.

Do you really need to compare yourself to others? 

You don't have all the facts. 

There is a danger of unwarranted pride or despair. 

 To his own master each person stands or falls. 

God wants a faithful you, not another Mozart or Mike or Mary.

(2) Satisfactory is satisfactory

Godly mediocrity is good. 

Likely to excel at something you will have to neglect other things. 

Good enough can be great. 

Sometimes surviving is a triumph. 

(3) The goal is godliness

The great aim is actually not Mozart-like musical glory or triumph in some other field. 

Seek first the kingdom of God. 

Love God and love your neighbour. Repeat! Glory! 

(4) The power of plodding 

You may not have the genius of Mozart but you may well have another 35 years or more. Or maybe by the grace of God you might have a year, or five or ten. You probably can't do much today, but in that time you could probably do more than you imagine. 

Ten or twenty or forty minutes or an hour a day used intelligently will add up. 

You could learn to play the piano, or get some Greek under your belt or read War and Peace. 

Why not begin today and do a little? Plod a few steps and in a couple of years you will have walked miles. 

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