Friday, January 08, 2021

The BBC's 5 Cs for Mental Health in Lockdown

 Dr Radha Modgil from BBC Radio 1's Life Hacks shares her top five ways to stay mentally and emotionally well.

I wasn't so sure about the priority of making sure you watch the same telly and listen to the same radio (BBC of course!) as normal, but there's much to be said at his time and always for:

(1) Work out what you are and aren't in CONTROL of. Focus pro-actively on what you can do. Try to recognise and move on from what you can't. Maintain emotional energy.

Perhaps one thing this pandemic has brought home to us anew is the unpredictability and fragility of life. But if we can get some of our stuff together a bit we will be more use to ourselves and others. I can't save the world, but it might help if I tidy my study and get a grip of our family spending etc.  

(2) CARE for yourself. Get up at the same time, wash, dress, exercise and eat well and so on. He says, in his dressing gown at 10:08 am! 

(3) CONTINUITY. Behave normally amidst change and uncertainty! 

(4) CREATIVITY. Hobbies can distract us from anxiety. Sing, play, draw, write, bake etc. Have fun. Play. 

(5) COMPASSION for yourself and others. Be kind to others. Look after those around you. 

A good list as far as it goes. We might quibble with some of the order and emphasis maybe. Perhaps it is actually in loving and serving others and putting them before myself that I will find the most worth and fulfilment but yes, do take care of yourself. This is a marathon not a sprint. It is probably unwise to pour yourself out so much and so often that you end up needing someone else to put you back together and you are in no fit state to help anyone else. 

Of course I'd want to add CHRIST and CHURCH, but that's another story! 

What would you CHANGE or add on? 

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