Monday, January 18, 2021

Ruth 2 Bible Study Questions

 Anyone with a connection to our churches or local area is very welcome to join us on Wednesday evening via Zoom as we look at Ruth 2. There's no need to prepare, but here are some questions you might find helpful (prepared by a member of the congregation):

Revision from Chapter 1

  1. Who returned to Bethlehem and why?
  2. When did they arrive?
  3. What is Naomi’s mindset?
  4. What is Ruth’s mindset?
  5. Chapter 2 verse 1     Who are we introduced to? What are we told about him?
  6. Verses 2-3  What does Ruth ask Naomi? Why does she need to do this?
  7. How has the Lord already made this a possibility? See Deuteronomy 24 v19, 22, Leviticus 19v9
  8. What do we see about Ruth’s attitude to this proposed task?
  9. Whose field did she end up in? Was that just by chance?
  10. What fact about Boaz does v 3 repeat from verse 1?
  11. Verses 4-7   What can we glean (pun intended) about Boaz from these verses?
  12. What more do we learn about Ruth’s attitude?
  13. What is her work ethic?
  14. Verses 8-9  Look back at verse 2 –  “Let me go to the fields and pick up the leftover grain behind anyone in whose eyes I find favour.”
  15. How can we see that being outworked in these verses?
  16. Find 6 ways  in which Boaz show favour to Ruth.
  17. Why might he do this?
  18. Verses 10-13    How does Ruth show humility in these verses?
  19. What do we learn about Ruth’s spiritual condition from these verses?
  20. What more do we see about Boaz?
  21. Verses 14-18   What do we see about Boaz’ generosity?
  22. What do we see about Ruth’s work ethic again?
  23. What do we see about Ruth’s commitment to Naomi?
  24. Verses 19-20   What else do we find out about Boaz?
  25. What is a guardian redeemer? See Leviticus 25v25
  26. Verses 21-23   What more do we find out about Ruth’s work ethic and commitment to Naomi.
  27. In the ordinary lives of people we see the extraordinary hand of God at work? Chapters 3 and 4 show us even more – no spoilers!
  28. In what ways can we see the Lord Jesus in Ruth just from these 2 chapters?
  1. What ordinary things are we doing which might be a blessing to others?

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