Tuesday, January 12, 2021

John 1v43-end The Gospel for The Second Sunday of Epiphany (Year B)

 There is surely a great sermon to be preached on Sunday's Gospel (John 1v43-end) for The Second Sunday of Epiphany (Year B):

(1) Nathaniel a true Israelite (v47)

(2) Jesus the true Israel (v51)

Sadly I have not prepared that sermon yet! 

But such as I have I give you. 

Here's my last attempt at this passage: Jesus Calls You To Follow Him - 


And below are some jottings. 


You might like to have John 1, page 43, open before you.

And you might like to pray for preacher and listeners.


You’ve probably heard about the advert the polar explorer Ernest Shackleton in said to have put in the newspaper to try to recruit men for his Endurance expedition, which began in 1914, to make the first land-crossing of Antarctica:


“Men wanted for hazardous journey.

Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness.

Safe return doubtful.

Honour and recognition in event of success.”


He was at least upfront about the cost and the difficulty.

But in the event of success: honour and recognition!


Immortality, we might say.






Be the best.

Go with the best.


We can see the attraction of Shackleton’s advert to a certain kind of person, maybe, I think.


Jesus will say, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”


Jesus too is clear and upfront about the difficulty and the cost.


Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor who plotted against Hitler and who was executed by the Nazis once said:

“When Jesus calls a man (a person) he bids him come and die (Bonhoeffer)”


But there is the basic invitation: Follow me.


You can see it there again in v43 of our gospel reading.


[read v43]


Jesus said: “Follow me”


We often make stuff, we make the Christian life, pretty complicated and subtle, and I guess it is in some ways.

But in a way isn’t it also very simple?

Follow Jesus.

You could have that tattooed on the inside of your eyelids.

Follow Jesus.


That is today’s sermon, basically.


You could sum up today’s sermon in 6 words:

Jesus calls you to follow him.



And if you want a longer sermon, as I’m sure you do, you could expand that by underlining some of those words and meditating on them.


JESUS, this Jesus, calls you to follow him – we’ll think a bit more about Jesus and what this passage tells us about him.


Jesus calls YOU to follow him.

We’ll say something about what this passage tells us about ourselves.


Jesus calls you to FOLLOW HIM. We’ll think about what that means.


Although not necessarily quite in that order.

So, I hope that sounds okay.


If you remember nothing else from today: Jesus calls you to follow him.

That’s the agenda for this sermon, for today.

When you wake up tomorrow, what is number one on the to do list?

Follow Jesus.

When you come back next week, why not speak to one another about how its gone following Jesus.

Follow Jesus.


Now what does it mean to follow Jesus?


Not called to be an apostle like Philip or Peter or Andrew or Nathaniel in our passage.


Apostles 12 / 13 – unique, foundational etc.


Literally left everything and went with Jesus everywhere full time


Enrolled for 3 years in Jesus University


Literally following Jesus


You are not of course called to that, it would be impossible

Jesus is bodily in heaven


But you and these first guys are called to the same underlying reality:


Being J’s disciple




He is teacher, Lord, guru, trainer, master




Lord Alan Sugar

People want to be Alan Sugar’s Apprentice

Presumably they think they might become rich or rich and famous

Far better to have Jesus as your Apprentice-Master and Senior Partner


So the Christian life is being with Jesus, listening to him and being like him

Doing Jesus’ work in his way

Joining in with Jesus’ mission, Jesus’ kingdom and purposes and plans and family business

Jesus is in charge and we are called to stick with him and be part of it


A wonderful adventure – of course not easy, but the best life ever, life in all its fullness

The life for which you were made

The best fit for you

What really matters

True fulfilment, glory, honour, as well as challenge and all that




Life changing opportunity


Nothing matters more


How do we be with Jesus and listen to him?


Not here!


Read the Bible and pray!


Always that!




5 minutes most days?


Following Jesus also includes inviting others to follow him


Cf. v41 – Andrew brings Simon


Philip brings Nathaniel


V45 – we have found the one…


V46b – come and see


Jesus says elsewhere, “come and follow me and I will make you fishers of men” – we are going to catch people together


Jesus will use us


Natural, spontaneous

What Jesus’ followers want to do


The best news in the world ever


Oak Hill guest events – 2-4 Feb


Pray! Plot! Invite!


Follow me, follow Jesus


Let’s just think about him a bit more for a moment




V45 – the one the whole Bible was on about


The one!


The X, the long-promised rescuer king


V29 – The lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world


V26 – The one who is far far greater than great J t B who will baptise with the Holy Spirit (v33)


New heart, clean on the inside


V34 – The Son of God


God’s chosen king


God incarnate




V51 – Bible quiz!


Jesus the true Israel / Jacob – Genesis 28


The man from heaven


He is the one whom angels worship


Jesus is the ladder - The way to heaven

Think about J, focus on him


Son of Man (v51) – Daniel 7


He is the one who has even greater stuff to show you and to do through you (v50)






Who else would you like to follow?


The greatest teacher who ever lived


The greatest person who ever lived








Eternal glory, Birth, life, death, resurrection, reign, return


Are you bored of Jesus?


What do you love about him?


What have your learnt about Jesus in the last year?


Jesus calls you to follow him






Jesus wants you to follow him


Surprise! He really does!


He knew Nathaniel thoroughly

He could sum him up




Nathaniel rightly recognises Jesus’ supernatural knowledge (v49)


Jesus is God

God knows all things

Jesus knows all things


He knows you thoroughly and fully


Ps 139 – always with you, made you


He sees you when you are alone under a tree (v48)


He understands you


Though perhaps no one else understands you…


Though you do not really understand yourself…


That means you can be yourself with Jesus

There is no point pretending with him

You don’t have to fake it


Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open and from whom no secrets are hid


Being like Jesus doesn’t mean obliterating you


He calls you despite the bad stuff you’ve done


Jesus knows all the worst skeletons in your cupboard

He knows about cupboards within cupboards you don’t even know about!


And he calls you anyway


He calls sceptics like Nathaniel (v46)

He calls the prejudiced

He calls those who take some persuading

He calls those who call a spade a shovel


Jesus calls you to follow him.


I invite you today to resolve for the first time, or to resolve afresh, by the grace of God in the power of the Holy Spirit, to follow Jesus.

To spend some time reflecting on what it means for you to follow Jesus.

And to pray that God might enable you always to walk with Jesus as his faithful friend and disciple.


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