Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Psalm 31 study questions

 We're planning to look at Psalm 31 in our midweek meeting on Wednesday 9th December. There's no need to prepare, but if you do want to think about it in advance, you might find these questions prepared by a member of our congregation helpful:

Verses 1-8 David expresses his confidence in God. In this confidence he prays for deliverance.

Read this but not study it.

Study begins at v9  

  1. 9 What is David asking the Lord to do?
  2. Why does he ask this?
  3. 9-13 List all the things which are distressing him.
  4. How does this relate to the Lord Jesus Christ? See  Isaiah 53 v1-4
  5. How does this relate to Job Chapter 2v12, 3v25-26
  6. 14-15a  In spite of all that is going on v14 begins BUT    …… what great truths is David proclaiming here?
  7. 15b  What is David praying here?
  8. 16-17a 19-20 What are the characteristics of God which give David confidence to pray this prayer?
  9. 17b-18 What about unbelievers?
  10. How is Ephesians 6 v 12 relevant to this Psalm? 
  11. 21-22 What is David praising God for?
  12. 23 What is David’s exhortation to fellow believers?
  13. What about unbelievers? Compare Psalm 28 v 4 from the other week.
  14. 24 What does v24 encourage believers to do?  Compare John 16 v 33
  15. What evidence have we seen in this Psalm that hoping in the Lord, enables the believer to continue the fight of faith?

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