Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Assorted Non-Profound Covid Reflections

 We have had a relatively easy experience of Covid. Mrs Lloyd and I have largely been able to work from home. We can get by financially and have some savings. We have reasonable internet access. With four kids, we have plenty of company!

Yet even while we count our many blessings, some things about Covid have been hard. 

Mrs Lloyd has really missed singing with others and has found it hard to enjoy keeping up her singing and playing without obvious goals such as performances and lessons. 

No doubt our home schooling would be better next time! 

In a way I quite enjoyed the first Lockdown. I felt needed. And it was challenge to respond quickly to the new situation. We could innovate, even if the fabled extra time for reading never materialised. I felt we did a good job at a tough time.  

It has been nice to travel less and to have fewer meetings that we may not have needed. Sometimes my evenings were a bit freer. Even if I had an online meeting, at least I didn't have to venture out. 

It was a weird Easter. There were new opportunities online. 

But the adrenaline wears off. One can't keep going at 120% for ever. Lockdown becomes boring. 

And last minute relatively high stakes and repeated decision making is tiring. 

Regulations happened to change just before Remembrance Sunday and just before Christmas and this was a situation in which we couldn't please all the people all of the time. 

The difficulty of planning for the future has been frustrating. 

Attitudes to risk vary wildly. For some we moved too fast, for others we were too slow. Everyone has an opinion, sometimes several contradictory ones, as I sometimes feel I do myself! 

Waiting for test results and self-isolation showed our lack of patience. Limbo even for a few days was uncomfortable as we counted off days in the diary and wondered what we would do if we had to blank out Christmas. 

When we were only meant to go out for exercise once a day and I had done that by 9am, I could find myself climbing up the wall pretty quickly. 

The children have apparently taken it all in their stride. 

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