Monday, September 14, 2020

Psalm 27 Study Notes

 God willing, we'll look at Psalm 27 in our midweek meeting this week on Wed 16th Sept at 7:30pm via Zoom. Locals can email me if they'd like to join us. There's no need to prepare, but if you'd like to you may find some of the following helpful:

(These notes might possibly evolve!)




Who / what do you / people in our society (your friends, family, neighbours) fear and why?


What antidote does the Psalm hold out to fear and why? What is the logic of that?


What do you think “the LORD is my light” (v1) might mean?


What particular threat does the Psalmist have in mind? What things might he reasonably be afraid of?


What two things does the Psalmist seek?

What do those two things mean / involve?


Look at vv4-6. Do you think David wants to literally move into the tabernacle and live there 24/7? If not, (!), what does he want?


Given that God is a spiritual being and doesn’t have a body, what does it mean to seek his face? (v8)


How do your desires compare to David’s?


Are there any other specific prayers in the Psalm we should notice?


What is the Psalmist confident of?


What arguments does the Psalmist use? What is the basis of his appeal?


How would you sum up the application in v14 in your own words?


How would you relate this Psalm to Jesus?


How would you sum up the whole Psalm?


What difference should this Psalm make to us?


What fuel for praise and prayer is there in this Psalm?




Wilcock: “Two key words here are confident (vv3, 13) and seek (v4a, 8). The four sections of the Psalm crystallize around them, in a chiastic pattern… : confidence / seeking // seeking / confidence.” (p95)


Links to Psalm 23:

Paths of righteousness

The valley of the shadow


Desire for God’s house


The Psalm combines the imagery of law court (a person crying out for vindication), battle and a hunt


Kidner: David is a worshipper seeking god’s face and a pilgrim committed to his way




(1) Confidence in the LORD: faith not fear (vv1-3)

(2) Seek the shelter in God’s house: he will keep you safe (vv4-6)

(3) Seek the smile of God’s face: he will not forsake you (vv7-12)

(4) Confidence in the LORD: take heart and wait for him (vv13-14)


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Prayer arising out of Testimony


Based on Goldingay p391:

Vv1-2 presumably address the congregation, making a declaration of confidence based on the past event

Vv3-6 develop this logic at greater length

Vv7-12 address Yahweh with a plea for deliverance and reasons for confidence

Vv13-14 address the self, returning to urging confidence in Yahweh


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Expositor’s Bible Commentary:


Confidence in the Lord

(1) Confidence in God’s presence (vv1-3)

            (2) Prayer for God’s presence (vv4-6)

            (3) Prayer for God’s presence (vv7-12)

(4) Confidence in God’s presence (vv13-14)


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(1) Confidence in Yahweh (vv1-3)

(2) Desire to dwell in the house of Yahweh (vv4-6)

(3) Plea for deliverance from enemies (vv7-12)

(4) Confidence and encouragement (vv13-14)


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(1) Confidence (vv1-3)

(2) Seeking: focused on God (vv4-6)

(3) Seeking: stressed by circumstances (vv7-12)

(4) Confidence (vv13-14)


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(1) Whom shall I fear? (vv1-3)

(2) Sanctuary (vv4-6)

(3) Thy face…, Thy way (vv7-12)

(4) Believe and wait (vv13-14)


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Motyer: The Confident Life


A1: Confidence (vv1-3)

B1: Yahweh’s house, my security in his shelter (vv4-6)

B2: Yahweh’s face, my security in his favour (vv7-12)

A2: Confidence (vv13-14)


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The Psalmist’s sure confidence in his God (vv1-3)

His love of communion with his God (vv4-6)

Prayer (vv7-12)

Acknowledgement of the sustaining power of faith and encouragement for others to follow his example (vv7-12)


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