Saturday, August 29, 2020

Acts 16vv16-end - an outline

 You might like to look away now if you are coming to Bodle Street or Warbleton in the morning and you like your sermons surprising!


The unstoppable power of Jesus and his gospel

… opens Lydia’s heart to respond to Paul’s message and to serve the gospel (vv14-15, 40)

… sets a slave girl free from the power of evil (vv16-18)

… provokes the slave owners, the magistrates and the crowd (vv19-24)

… enables Paul and Silas to sing hymns in prison at midnight (v25)

… sets Paul and Silas free from prison (vv26-28)

… saves and transforms the jailer and his household (vv29-34)

… alarms / humbles / humiliates the magistrates (vv35-39)

… creates a diverse church (v40)


Cf. Galatians 3v28 & Acts 16


Believe in the Lord Jesus (v31)!


Serve Jesus and his gospel (with your brothers and sisters in Christ) with joy and confidence, even in the face of suffering and opposition


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