Monday, July 06, 2020

Midweek Meeting Philippians 3v12-4v1

Some study questions kindly prepared by a member of our congregation for our discussion of Philippians 3v12-4v1 on Wed 8th July:

(I think the numbering below may have gone a bit weird but I trust you get the idea! 

The Olympic Athlete. 

2020 should have been an Olympic year. 
Olympians often dedicate most of their lives training, paying attention to their sleep, their food and their mental strength in order to reach their goal of winning the race and gaining their prize, an Olympic medal. 
In Philippians 3 v 12 ff Paul describes his goal and longed for prize, and his pursuit of it. He encourages the Philippians to follow his example.

Verses 12-14
1.     What does Paul not yet have?
2.    What is he doing about it?
3.    Is this a self-made goal?
4.    In what ways is Paul like an Olympian?
5.    Why would Paul want to forget what is behind?
6.    What is it that keeps him going?

Verses 15 -16
7.    What is Paul getting at in these verses?

Verses 17-20
8.    Which aspects of Paul’s life make him a good example?
9.    What is the danger the Philippians face if they do not follow such an example?
10.   How do the enemies of the cross live?
11.   What is Paul’s attitude to the enemies of the cross?
12.  What do they have to look forward to after death?
13.  How should Christians be living?
14.  What do Christians have to look forward to?

Chapter 4 v 1
15.  How do we see Paul’s affection for the Philippians?
16.  What is he telling them to do?

How should we respond to this passage?
Whose examples should we be following?
How can we encourage each other to pursue Christ above everything?

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