Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Midweek Meeting 22/7/20 - Philippians 4v10-end

There's no need to prepare, but if you'd like to think about Philippians 4v10-end before our midweek meeting on Wed 22nd July, hopefully you might find some of these questions helpful:

(Some notes to follow after the session too.)


What gives you / people in general contentment or prevents contentment?

We’ve seen rejoicing / joy as a theme in this letter (1:4, 18; 2:2, 18; 3:1; 4:1, 4). What does Paul rejoice in according to these verses and why?

Paul talks about being content whatever the circumstances in v12. What were Paul’s circumstances when he wrote this letter? (What might the future hold for him?)
Do you think this contentment came naturally to Paul? Did he just happen to be a contented sort of person? (v11)
What do you think Paul meant by contentment exactly? Presumably he would have liked his circumstances to have been different. And he talked about pressing on and straining towards the goal in 3vv12-14 so presumably this contentment is not a total indifference / apathy / lack of effort. (Could you distinguish right and wrong types / manners of / reasons for contentment?)
What do you think the challenges of being in need, or having plenty, or being well fed or hungry or in want might be (v12)? When is it easier / harder to be content?
Why do you think Paul could be content?
How can we cultivate a godly Biblical contentment?
Might anything in the earlier part of chapter 4 (or indeed the rest of the letter) help us with contentment?

V13: I can do everything through Jesus? Really? Can I run the four-minute mile through Jesus? So what is the “everything” I can do which Paul is talking about here?

What do we learn about Christian partnership / fellowship / mutual support / financial giving from this passage?
How is the Philippian’s financial gift to Paul described in v18?
How does this motivate giving?
How might v19 enable us to give generously?
How would you describe / value God’s “glorious riches in Christ Jesus?” (v19)

Can you recall the meaning of the word “saints” in the New Testament? (vv21 and 22; see also 1v1) To whom does it refer?

Can you say anything about the main themes or big ideas of the letter?
Could you write a summary theme and aim sentence?
Is there anything that has stood out for you from the letter which you hope will stay with you?
You could perhaps choose a memory verse or two to learn and meditate upon.

Praise and prayer in the light of the passage and letter:

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