Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Church Service Plans Update (1/7/20)

Church Service Plans Update (1/7/2020, revised 2/7/2020)

We are very much looking forward to the time when at least some of us can meet again physically for worship.

I can give a brief update on our plans so far for the recommencing of public services in the benefice of Warbleton, Bodle Street Green and Dallington as soon as we can do so safely complying with the law and government, Church of England and diocesan guidance.

We are working hard on the necessary procedures, risk assessments and precautions around social distancing and hygiene and so on, and before services resume will share further details of what we expect services to be like and what we would ask worshippers to do to help to keep themselves and others safe.

We recognise that some people will not join us again physically for the foreseeable future and we will aim to continue to provide online services, ideally by live streaming from the church building in due course but certainly by video later.

This coming Sunday 5th July, we hope to make a service available on Facebook at 9:30am and afterwards and also on You Tube later, as has become normal for us during lock down. Details are here:

At Warbleton, we have decided not to meet physically on Sunday 5th July. The Parochial Church Council will meet again via Zoom on Monday 6th July when we hope to be able to decide that we will be ready to meet again safely for public worship on Sunday 12th July. We will confirm this as soon as possible after our PCC meeting. If the service is able to take place, we expect it to be at 11am as was normal before lockdown.

At Dallington, we hope to meet again for a traditional relatively short said service of Book of Common Prayer (BCP) 1662 Evening Prayer at 6:30pm on Sunday 12th July. After that we will look to resume our normal pattern of services as far as possible.

At Bodle Street, some of us plan to meet physically at 9:30am on Sunday 5th July for a relatively brief service of said Morning Prayer. Details are here:

I am sorry for the disappointment our decision not to open at Warbleton and Dallington this week may cause to some. I regret that we have not been able to get back to meeting physically in all three churches at the earliest opportunity, but I trust you will understand that we are in unique and rapidly changing times, and that we will take a cautious approach and will not resume physical services until we are confident it is safe to do so.

With my prayers and best wishes,


The Revd Marc Lloyd (Rector)

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