Sunday, July 12, 2020

Acts 13v13-end

For anyone desperate for headings / a sermon outline, it might go something like this:

Paul's synagogue sermon at Pisidian Antioch

Introduction - a selective brief Bible overview - Israel to David (vv17-22)

- God chose Israel (v17)

- God chose David (v22)

Main point(s): Jesus the Messiah, the climax of Israel's story and the centre of the Scriptures (vv23-37)

- God chose Jesus the Davidic Messiah (v23)

- His death and resurrection in fulfilment of the Scriptures (vv27-37)

Application (v38-41)

(- The good news of salvation (v26, vv32-33))

- Forgiveness of sins (v38)

- Justification by faith (v39)

- Don't scoff and miss the whole point and perish! (vv40-41)

Responses (vv42-52)

- Some want to find out more (v42)

- Some believe and need to continue in the grace of God (v43)- all appointed for eternal life believe (v48)

- Some reject and oppose (v45)

Consequences (vv46-end)

- Paul and Barnabas turn to the Gentiles (v46)

Our responses?

- Believe in Jesus!

- Share Jesus appropriately - be lights, shine for him (v47)

- Joy in the Holy Spirit even if persecuted / rejected (v52)

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John Stott, Bible Speaks Today:

The sermon’s introduction: the Old Testament preparation (vv16-25)
The sermon’s focus: the death and resurrection of Jesus (vv26-37)
The sermon’s conclusion: the choice between life and death (vv38-41)
The sermon’s consequences: a mixed reaction (vv42-52)

* * *

David Peterson’s headings, Pillar New Testament Commentary:

The election of Israel and the election of David (vv17-23)
Jesus the fulfiller of the promise to David (vv24-37)
The challenge not to miss out on the salvation available through Jesus (vv38-43)

Turning to the Gentiles: Fulfilling the Servant’s Role (vv44-52)

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