Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Notes for our Midweek Meeting on Wed 10th June on Philippians 1vv12-end

There's no need to prepare, but if you wanted to look at the passage ahead of our meeting on Wednesday evening, you might find these questions helpful.

(I might update these notes and add something after the meeting too)

Midweek Meeting Wednesday 10th June 2020
Philippians session 2: Philippians 1vv12-end


Look at v12. What has happened to Paul? What events do you think he is referring to?

How has it “served to advance the gospel?” (v12)
How / why do you think Paul’s chains might have encouraged most of the brothers to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly?

What can we learn about Paul’s priorities from this whole section? (e.g. v12, v14, v18, v22, v25f)
What might we be concerned about if we were in prison and what is he concerned about?

How would we feel if the church down the road was unfairly critical of us and grew twice as fast as our church?
How do you think Paul would feel? (vv15-18)

What reasons does Paul give for rejoicing (vv18-19)?

What is Paul confident about? (vv19-20)

Looking at vv19-20, what two ways does Paul think he might be delivered / saved from his imprisonment?

In what way does Paul claim to be in a win-win situation in vv21-24?

Why would Paul like to die and why would be like to live? (vv21-26)

What does Paul think about dying and why? (vv20-21)
What is it that Paul particularly looks forward to about the after-life in v23?

If Paul lives, what will his aims in life be? (vv20-26)

Looking at vv27-30, are there any similarities between Paul’s situation and the situation of the Philippians? E.g. cf. vv15-17 and v28; vv29-30.

How does Paul want the Philippians to live? (vv27-28)
How would you put these things into your own words?
What would they look like in practice?

What can we learn about Christian suffering from this passage? From v12? vv29 and 30?

Can you sum up anything we might learn from this passage?

How might we turn this passage into praise or prayer?

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